Brownie Bowl Transcript
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Meet Christine Walker, she’s from New York City. She’s a self proclaimed obsessive baker who wants to revolutionize the way we eat cookies.
(Inventor: Christine)
Our cafeteria served these huge chocolate chip cookies and the football players – they used to buy them every day at lunch and they had a very, very unique way of eating them; they would put them on the tray, pour milk all over the cookie and then just devour them. I was horrified by that. It was disgusting. They were like a bunch of barbarians eating this.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
You know, cookies weren’t always a delicious treat. Hundreds of years ago – they were called biscuits, and they were as hard as rocks. If someone bit directly into one of those chunks, they’d most likely end up with broken teeth. So people would dunk them in milk or water to moisten them up, so they’d actually be edible.
(Inventor: Christine)
How cool would it be to have a bowl made out of cookie? You fill the bowl up with milk, you can dunk your cookies in the cookie bowl, and then eat the cookie afterwards. We could call it the Cookie Bowl. It would be so awesome!
(Dan, Licensing)
So, based on what our team develops here for Christine’s idea, it’s my job to gain corporate interest in the product. At this point, the team has not provided me with enough information to go and make that happen.
(Jason, Creationeer)
So, Mr. D. suggested we bring Dan in for a testing session, and let him feel the same thing Christine felt in that cafeteria with that messy food, and that giant pile of sh__(beep)
(Jason, Creationeer)
I brought some cookies. I brought some milk. Sound like a great time, Dan?
(Dan and Clay are sitting at a table with lunch trays, as Jason stands behind them with cookies and a gallon of milk.)
(Dan, Licensing)
Let’s get this over with already.
(Jason, Creationeer)
Let me make sure that … (puts bib on Dan) I want to make sure that you don’t get a mess on you.
Oh now, see how nice that is.
Ok, here we go. We are going to have a little milk with our cookies.
(Pours milk into trays over the cookies) Here’s some for Clay. Dig in guys.
Now that’s good stuff.
(Clay lifts tray to his mouth and begins slurping up the milk)
Do you have enough milk? You can use some more milk.
(Jason pours more milk into Dan’s tray) Don’t you wish you had a bowl to put this in?
What I would only do for a bowl right now?
See, See, he’s learning. He’s getting the concept. Do we understand the problem now?
(Dan looks at Clay in disgust as he slurps the milk from his tray like a dog) And why there’s such a need for it in the marketplace?
I think so.
(Still looking at Clay)
Good, our point has been made.
Are you going to finish that?
(Clay takes Dan’s cookie with milk dripping down his hands)
Some more milk?
(Dan stands up)
Yeah, sure, I’ll take some more
(Jason pours all of the milk onto Clay’s head)
I think we got this on the wrong person
(Dan puts the bib on Clay) Let’s see if this helps.
You know, that’s not bad.
Is the product ready for market?
It might need a little work.
We will work on it and we’ll work together on it.
The question I have — does somebody have more cookies?
You know what? Get back to work.
(Jason)(on camera)
So, that was completely disgusting. You know, I can’t imagine being in that situation, especially in high school. That would have been gross.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Dan just doesn’t seem to be getting the Cookie Bowl concept, so Jason and his team are going to come up with a design that changes his mind. Jason’s team designed a silicone dessert bowl that can cook at any temperature, with any recipe. Users can bake cookies, cakes, breads, brownies, cereal treats, muffins, nearly anything and they back up evenly every time. We called it, The Cookie Bowl. I was really surprised with what the team came up with. We showed it to XHP, and in theory they loved it, but they didn’t like the name.
(Dan, Licensing)
They wanted to see a full re-brand of the product.
(Jason, Creationeer)
Even though we weren’t quite there yet, we came back, we tweaked the packaging a little more attractive, we gave it a new name, Brownie Bowl, double consonant, rolls off the tongue really well, and it’s great for marketing, so I think we’re almost there.
(Christine: Inventor)
At first, I was a little nervous ’cause it wasn’t originally what I had thought of, but at this point, I really don’t care what it’s called, just as long as it’s out and people can enjoy it.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
The Brownie Bowl was picked up by Xtraordinary Home Products (XHP) and now they’re on their way to the stores. We invited Christine to Pittsburgh for a big surprise. Professional bakers are going to be using her Brownie Bowl!
(At the Oakmont Bakery in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Here we go.
(Christine: Inventor)
Oh my goodness, what is all this?
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
These are some of the goodies that we had made for you.
(Christine: Inventor)
Oh my gosh!
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Christine, we are so excited. I mean there’s like a million and one things that people are doing with this right now.
(Christine: Inventor)
I can’t even believe this. How many things are there here? Oh my gosh, this is the best one here…cookie!
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Doesn’t that look good?
(Christine: Inventor)
Look, you can even make breakfast with it. This is amazing!
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
If you like that, I have something else for you too. It’s a big fat check. That’s your fist royalty check.
(Christine: Inventor)
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Yeah, it is.
(Christine: Inventor)
No, stop it!
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
(Christine: Inventor)
Thank you so much!
(Christine looks at her check for $12,000.00)
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
Christine did it, and we’re just pumped for her right now!
(Christine: Inventor)
I never in a million years thought that this product would be in a professional bakery, ever. It can be tailored to your exact tastes, however you want to have your Brownie Bowl with pudding, rice crispies, whatever you want, you can have and it’s unbelievable.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and founder of Davison)
All of this started with an idea in high school, and now our product is sitting here in QVC, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and other major stores. I couldn’t be happier for her.
(Christine: Inventor)
And, I dared to invent, you should dare to invent too. Don’t be scared, take a risk, you never know what’s going to happen.
Disclaimer: Davison’s services are provided for an upfront fee paid by the clients. The use of Davison’s services typically does not result in a license, sales of the product, or profit to the inventor.
Copyright: Davison, George Davison Studios