Chilly Mat Transcript
(Narrator: George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
Meet Diana Edington from Macon, Georgia. She’s a single mom with two boys and a dog named Ripley!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
Diana’s boys are grown and off on their own; and Ripley gave birth to: Eddie, Peanut, and Gilbert! To support all those loveable critters, Diana operates a fork lift for the Frito Lay Company!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
…with a job like that, she is easily the most popular lady in the neighborhood!
To some people, Diana is known as the ‘Queen of Snacks,’ but, to others, she’s a vigilant and passionate crusader when it comes to protecting animals.
(Diana, Inventor)
When I come home from work one day, Ripley was in the house and there had been a power outage. The air conditioner was out. She was dehydrated. It was so hot. She was panting. She was struggling to breathe.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
That story strikes fear in any pet owner or animal lover.
(Diana, Inventor)
And it bothered me that there wasn’t anything out on the market to help her. The best thing I could come up with was something for them to lay on to get cool.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
When we heard Diana’s story and her concept, it was time to call out the canine calvary!
So Jason and his team – they were more than ready to jump into action!
(Jason, Creationeer)
So the goal was to design something that would ensure that no dog ever had to go through what Ripley experienced.
I wanted Curtis to work on the project. He’s a pet lover. He’s a beard lover. And he loves working in a cave.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
Like humans, some pets aren’t good with extremes – so, our aim was to develop a product that the dog could lay on to help transfer the heat, which would cool them down.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
We settled on a big, comfortable mat that would have some thermo-transfer capability.
(Jason, Creationeer)
Once Curtis and his team had a workable prototype, we had to test it. And, of course, I have the perfect test dummy!
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
(Jason, Creationeer)
C’mon, Clay; don’t be a baby. This is gonna be great; nothing degrading. You won’t feel stupid. I promise. This is gonna be great.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Oh, no, no. You say that every time.
(Jason, Creationeer)
Yeah, but I really mean it this time.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
Clay, these experiments are going to benefit dogs everywhere.
(Jason, Creationeer)
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Dogs? I do like dogs…
(Jason, Creationeer)
We all like dogs, right? Come on; let’s do it.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
Clay, all we have to do is throw you in the steam room. We’re going to crank up the heat a little bit and we’re going to get a study of your heat index.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
So, you’re going to make me into a ‘hot’ dog!
(Jason, Creationeer)
Let’s steam this weenie.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
So that’s it? So it’s a simple experiment; no doing anything to make me feel stupid?
(Jason, Creationeer)
No, not at all! It’s all about science. But you know what? We do need you to do one thing. As you know, dogs have fur…
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Oh, for the love of Pete…
(Jason, Creationeer)
…and you do not have any fur so what we’re going to do; let’s get into this [fur coat]. C’mon, get in this.
(Jason, Creationeer)
That works! And then we don’t want you to overheat so let me put these heat sensors on too.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Heat sensors?…
(Jason, Creationeer)
Yeah, heat sensors.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
On my ears…
(Jason, Creationeer)
It’s all about science, Clay. It’s all about science.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
Okay, Clay! Get your sweat on!
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
I hope you guys are enjoying this…
(Jason, Creationeer)
I think we’re good!
(Curtis, Creationeer)
Hey, you hungry?! Want to get something to eat?
(Jason, Creationeer)
Definitely! Yeah, let’s go.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
I want to do a toast.
Nothing like all-you-can-eat wings!
(Jason, Creationeer)
Oh man, you’re not kidding. That was good; I can’t eat another bite. I’m wiped. You think we ought to check on Clay?
(Curtis, Creationeer)
(Jason, Creationeer)
Clay! You think we should check on him?
…Yeah, he’s probably fine.
(Jason, Creationeer)
Clay!? Clay, are you all right? Come on out of there. It’s hot in there. You all right? Sit down on that Chilly Mat.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Do I smell buffalo sauce?
(Jason, Creationeer)
No. No, you don’t. It’s just an illusion. Lay down on there and see how it feels.
(Clay, Creationeer & Test Dummy)
Oh, this is cool! Oh yeah! That’s nice. You guys go on ahead. I’m just going to stay here for about an hour.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
The Chilly Mat passed our initial test! However, when Dan from our licensing team shopped it around, the reviews weren’t as encouraging.
(Dan, Licensing)
The manufacturers that we showed the Chilly Mat to were less than luke warm. They liked the concept of the product, but it’s bulky and cumbersome.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
It looked like the Chilly Mat was going to get the deep freeze. But, then Jason’s team went back to the drawing board, and looked to streamline the product’s size!
(Jason, Creationeer)
So I figured if we could find some thinner, lighter materials, we’d have a better chance of convincing this manufacturer that this product has merit.
(Curtis, Creationeer)
After some trial and error, our team settled on a puncture-resistant, durable plastic mat. The inner foam was a non-toxic, water-glycol mix. The mat was thinner and could be folded or rolled up! We were ready for another test!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
No offense to Clay, but this time, we tested the product on a real dog and we found excellent results.
(Dan, Licensing)
We pitched the Chilly Mat to Hugs Pet Products and they loved it! They licensed it right away and moved into full production!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
With all this success, we just had to invite Diana to come see us!
(Diana, Inventor)
Meeting Mr. Davison was a great experience. He’s very down to earth; very welcoming and he definitely cares about your product!
Inventionland is out of this world! It’s something that I did not know what to expect. The atmosphere is comradery. It felt like I was just meeting another group of friends that works on helping people, helping animals.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
So come on over! We have a little surprise for you, Diana!
(Diana, Inventor)
I love surprises!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
Well there you go!
(Diana, Inventor)
Ahh! I like it!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
So there are a few of the versions. We have the Chillz line, the Chilly Mat, and the Maze Pets. They’re all your products! And then we have some more – the Chillz line with the new logo, the touch section. This is the lower cost one; you’ll see this up in Canada; it’s in French. But this is the newest addition…
(Diana, Inventor)
Oh my gosh!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
…Paula Deen is now on your package!
(Diana, Inventor)
This is awesome! Oh, wow! I love that!
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
Now, your dog pet’s name is…Ripley. Well, we have a little history with Ripley. There’s a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. Inventionland’s in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. Speaking of that…this is what you’ve collected in royalties so far!
(Diana, Inventor)
Oh, my gosh! I didn’t realize.
(George M. Davison, CEO and founder of Davison)
Every quarter, you keep getting your checks. Well, I think this is going to be your breakout year. This is just the beginning of it! Good job, guys!
(Diana, Inventor)
Seeing how much I’ve made so far…and the check that I was given…made me speechless. It was very supportive to know that they care.
Copyright: Davison, George Davison Studios