TheraPED Transcript
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Meet Lennell Parks. She’s from Missouri. She’s a woman who loves her independence and her freedoms. But, then, in 2005, a dark cloud changed all of that. Pain became her constant companion.
(Inventor: Lennell)
The symptoms that I have from MS (Multiple Sclerosis) are very bad. It’s severe and a burning and chilling in my feet all the time
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Multiple Sclerosis or MS as most people refer to it, this disease, it affects 350,000 American each year.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
It attacks the protective covering around the nerve cells, which leads to nerve damage. It could wind up putting you in a wheelchair. So, are challenge is to not only create something that offers pain therapy to Lennell, but also helps other people who just have achy feet, which is an even bigger market.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Short, tall and burly… I mean Nathan’s team. They attacked Lennell’s foot pain problem. The team dared to create a cost effective product that would not only work, but would also appeal to buyers in the marketplace.
(Nate, Creationeer)
The challenge that we had was to come up with a unique product that had dual functions. What we had to do first was to experience Lennell’s pain.
(Nate, Creationeer)((Sitting with Curtis and Tim))
First, we had to put our feet in warm water.
(Curtis, Creationner)
The minute that we took our shoes off, McMichaels is sniffing around.
(McMichaels, Creationeer)
I smell fish.
(Tim, Creationeer)
I smell feet!
(Nate, Creationeer)
Then, we walked over a bed of ice.
(Curtis, Creationner)
Yeah, that’s very, very cold. Ah, this is horrible.
(Curtis, Creationeer)((To Nathan, who is standing in ice))
Hold it. Hold it.
(Tim runs over and falls down in the ice; everyone laughs)
(Nate, Creationeer)
Then, we put our feet back in the warm water.
(Curtis, Creationner)
It definitely burns.
(Nate, Creationeer)
Man, it’s really kinda sore.
(Nate, Creationeer)
Wow, that was really painful.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Their intial concept was straps with sewn in gel packs. They wrapped around the foot, relieving pain in the arch and heel. The packs could then be reheated in a microwave or cooled in a freezer.
(Dan, Licensing)
Stores would love Lennell’s idea if it looked better, but the design in its current state was very clinical and uncomfortable to wear.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
The team had a solution, but they had no fashion sense.
(Nate, Creationeer)
Researching the most commont foot pain, we found out that women, who wear high heels all day, experience the most discomfort. We went around Inventionland and asked some women what they would like to see in a product that relieves foot pain.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
So, Lennell’s product took on a more spa therapy look. We ended up calling them TheraPEDS. Short, tall and burly were getting excited to show it to the company, but we knew it had to be tested.
(Nate, Creationeer)
Hola Mr. Nate.
(Nate, Creationeer)
I need you to put these on and don’t take them off (he hands Clay high heel shoes in a shoebox).
Okay. What’s this for?
(Nate, Creationeer)
It’s for a project. We’ll touch base later. See ya.
S**t. (As he looks at the high heels)
(Clay)((Walking around Inventionland in the high heel shoes)
My toes hurt so much. Give me a second. (Mr. D pushes Clay) I wanted to talk about a raise.
(Clay)((As he removes the shoes))
(Nate, Creationeer)
Aren’t you used to weaing these on the weekends?
(Nate, Creationeer)((Shows Clay the TheraPED)
So, we came up with this concept. This should sooth any pain that you may have.
(Nate, Creationeer)
Well, he was going through excrutiating pain. So, we came in. The TheraPEDS were already pre-cold, so I see that it must be working. ((Clay is asleep at this desk)) We’ll let him sleep.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Lennell’s idea was picked up by a company called Health Enterprises. It was on its way to helping thousands of women everywhere.
(Dan, Licensing)
And, now the product is making its way to major retailers, like Walmart and Target. It made a huge splash at the Country Music Awards (CMAs). It ended up in the gift bags of all of the celebrities.
(Inventor: Lennell)
I could’ve gotten out of my wheelchair and walked.
(Lennell seeing her product for the first time)
Oh my goodness. It is here!
(Inventor: Lennell)
TheraPED saved my life.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
We’re really happy for Lennell. This gal has been through a lot of struggles.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
So, we decided to go see her [in St. Louis], so that we could surprise her.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Here she comes. (As he looks out the window)
(Everyone at the surprise party)
(Inventor: Lennell)
Oh my gosh! (Everyone is cheering and hugging)
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Well Lennell, when I heard about your MS and some of the challenges you were facing, umm, all of our team up there in Inventionland… it touched us deeply. You looked at tragedy and saw opportunity. So, Lennell, this is your first big royalty check. ((Mr. D hands Lennell a check for $13,000)
(Everyone at the surprise party is cheering and clapping)
(Inventor: Lennell)
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Shall we continue this party?
(Everyone at the surprise party)
(Inventor: Lennell)
I couldn’t believe it. I am very happy. It was the biggest surprise of my life. TheraPED is not just for me. It’s for other people as well. I was just… This is amazing. Dreams do come true.
Disclaimer: Davison’s services are provided for an upfront fee paid by the clients. The use of Davison’s services typically does not result in a license, sales of the product, or profit to the inventor.
Copyright: Davison, George Davison Studios